The Journey Begins

Thanks for joining me on this wild Adventure!

This blog is my attempt to write down the bones of a crazy, random, uncharted life and all the shoes I’ve worn along the way…

Most people I’ve known have been like trees or flowers in a garden clustered together in the comfort of friends, family, neighbors and branching out from the strong roots that anchor them to a place called home.
They seem to be born with a road map of thier lives and effortlessly stay the course.
This was not so for me. I’m like an air plant, without roots, anchor or course. …an adventure, a unwritten story where each day begins with pen hovering above a blank page and my home is found only within the hearts of those I love.
There’s a saying that come to mind, ” walk a mile in someone else’s shoes”. As I glance back over the shoulder of my life I see an ever changing girl who’s worn a lot of different shoes.

As you take this journey with me you are certain to meet the many different characters who live inside my head but within these stories I hope you’ll find the sorrows , joys, inspiration in ordinary places, sheer hilarity of life and all the common threads that connect us all.

Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. โ€” Izaak Walton



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