Blogs & Bloggers I Love


Hello Friends!  I haven’t done one of these in quite awhile and have decided that it’s high time I did so……

Welcome back to Blog & Bloggers I Love!
From time to time, I share some of the posts that I’ve enjoyed during the past weeks, blogs I love or simply fantastic Bloggers.  This is more than a simple link up.  I’ll give you links while giving it and them the honor of what or why I loved it and why you will too.

It’s a hat tip to my community, a word of appreciation, recognition AND a way for me to both introduce you to each other and promote your blogs.

There are so many of you that I just can’t say enough about and I truly love but I can’t get to everyone all at once.  Please be patient.  I Don’t want your feelings hurt or to think I’ve over looked you.  I love you all!  Read, enjoy, follow and be looking for my pingback as you’ll be listed soon.

How you can help…  If you’ve written a post that you’d love to share, one you’re really happy with, or just to introduce yourself to everyone, leave a link in the comments where everyone can enjoy it.

without further adieu…

Maryam @ To The Salt Of The Sea
Today I Saw Autumn

I could read this post over and over again. (And I have)  It’s one of those rare pieces, so deeply moving that it etches itself upon the literary soul, yearns to be spoken aloud, whose lines the heart recites from memory in years to come.  Masterfully written, lyrical, poetic, stunning imagery.  This is someone who “you should write a book!”.   I would read it forever as a cherished tale upon my shelve.

This was just stunningly beautiful in every way. Magical, lyrical, your words took me along the journey with you, gifted this moment to me…I could feel it on my skin, feel it beneath my feet.

Lisa @ Grief To Beautiful Sorrow
Life – Period

While I’m including this specific post, a post that caused me to ask this same question of myself and explore the vastness of it’s answer, It is truly Lisa herself that I want to introduce you to and of whom I am a fan.

In her blog, Lisa invites us to accompany her on an unflinching journey from devastating grief, through the process of climbing through the ashes, rising to embrace healing.  In doing so, Lisa discovers that healing after loss doesn’t mean leaving her love behind but rather allows her to honor him, his life and their love, more fully.  With raw honesty, the bravery of vulnerability and the sheer strength of an indomitable spirit,  she tackles lifes most difficult journey.

Cheri @ OurLittleRedHouse Thrift Store Treasures An Antique Pillowcase Dress and A Letter

Cheri is such a kindred spirit, her love of a thrift store treasure hunt, quest to preserve the history of us in bygone days, to the romance of  old letters and photographs that whisper of tales to be told.  In this post, she takes us on an odessy beginning with the discovery of an old cloth doll with a note attached, found in a thrift store grab bag.  The note, a brief history of it’s dress, made from a hundred year old pillowcase.  Onward we journey through the memories of her grandmother, growing up during the great depression.  A fabulous tale, lovingly told.

Katherine @ In The Vintage KitchenA Celebration For Australia Queen Mothers Cake and The Lady Who Inspired It.

Katherine is currently taking us on a cooking adventure around the globe.  In this timely post centered in Australia, she reminds us how the smallest of familiar pleasures can bring comfort and relief during the most tragic of times.  You’ll enjoy the tale of the vivacious young beauty whose family nicknamed Cake and would become The Queen Mother, in both the telling and stunning photography, and her link to Australia.  If you are curious about The Queen Mother’s Cake, you will not be disappointed!  Katherine has included the recipe for this delectable cake that’s fit for a queen.

Last but not at all least, is Melissa @ Faith Sigh and DIYHow To Pray According To G-DS Will

I can’t say enough words about this post!  Melissa takes us to church like an old time revival, In this beautifully written post, leaving the reader deeply inspired, rejoicing and on our knees.  I wanted to share it with my family, friends, social media, shout it from the rooftop and so will you.

I hope you all will visit these fantastic bloggers, hit like, leave a comment and follow.  Join me in community appreciation and support and above all—Enjoy!                                                     Always with love, Laura 



    • Thank you so much! You really don’t have to work too hard for a shoutout. I would happily introduce you and your blog to my community!
      Everyone has at least one post that says exactly what they want to say or share, exactly the way they want to say it…..share a link to yours here in the comments and I will gladly highlight it on my next Blogs & Bloggers.
      I’m looking forward to it!

      Liked by 2 people

      • Aww thank you so much! I will work on a post updating who I am and why I started this blog. I’m kind of feeling like I’ve lost my “creative” abilities. I haven’t been feeling much inspired. Going to work on that, I’m finding reading some of the ones you’ve highlighted has been encouraging! Make a great day~ xo


  1. Wow, Laura, I am overwhelmed by your kind words and heartfelt support! May our voices echo with the voice of heaven as we pray according to God’s will and God’s heart. Thank you for including me in this list of profound writers. May God bless you, your generous heart and gifted pen!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I am happy with all my posts. That is why I publish them. They are more of me just putting my thoughts on paper, so only share the ones you feel strike a chord with how you feel. Otherwise, just tag along for my evil ride.!:)


  3. Hey Laura,

    I can’t seem to put to words how honored I am to be put on this list, and how happy your words have made me. I’d been doubting myself and my writing, but this just swept all of it away ☀️♥️

    Thank you so much!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh Maryam,
      I meant every word. I first read this back when you originally posted it. I have saved the link to it and have read it over and over again. It is truly one of the well crafted and beautiful, pieces I have ever read! It’s multifaceted, has depth, drawing both stunning imagery that the reader can feel, smell, see…autumn but in a way of experiencing it for the first time, with the magical wonder of a child. And, because it takes reader equally on an emotional journey; the wonder of something heard of but unknown, the low in the hint of an underlying sadness, sickness, to the crescendo at the end. I could write a dissertation on this one piece and yet I have the feeling that it was written more effortlessly than the “work” or crafting it, simply because it seemed to have flowed from you.
      Never doubt your writing or use of language.
      Though I have a library of books, the only ones I keep on my shelves are those that I know I will read again and again throughout my life, that have moved me in just this way.
      And, You should write a book.
      Thank you for sharing this piece with us. It feels like a gift.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you Laura, you are such a kind old soul. Old souls have so much wisdom and love to share with the world so thank you for that. I read Maryam’s and Melissa’s post so far and you are right, they were great. Maryam has the gift of writing, and Melissa has the gift of recruiting and encouraging all of us to love one another as God has always intended. Always loved Pippi as a child too, so I thought that was cute. I haven’t had time to read everyone else’s yet. It is hard keeping up with this wonderful community and then new ones keep showing up every day. So many great bloggers out there, you included. Thanks again for the mention.

    Liked by 1 person

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